Deal or No Deal Island Cast Play Brutal Ax Throwing Game: Overview

THE Deal or no island The casting of season 2 does not play when it comes to obtaining immunity.

“I have to throw an ax on my face”, ” Dr Will Kirby explain in US WeeklyThe first exclusive overview of the episode of Tuesday January 28. “I really need immunity. If I don’t, I’m going to go out fairly quickly.

In the video, candidates are challenged by the banker in an ax launch competition. Each player remaining has his photo on a target with two bulsing in the dead center. If an ax goes directly to the target circles, they will be safe to face the banker in the night game of Deal or no business. If the ax does not turn in the area, there is a chance that they return home.

THE Big brother Legend has it that “pressure is lit” while it advances to launch its ax. Dr. Will launches the tool for his face. While the ax hits the face of Dr. Will, he rests just outside the Bullseye.

“A success”, host Joe Manganiello Declare, adding that even if it was “not on the Bullseye”, another of the players could try to hit the face of Dr. Will again and try to hit the center.

Joe then calls Alexis Lete – Who has his family name – to go afterwards. Instead of going for immunity for herself, Lete decides that she will help Ally Phillip Salomon.

“I think Phil is a really friendly guy,” said the former volleyball player in a confessional. “He is a sports coach. I think he is someone who could very well do in this competition. »»

Deal or No Deal Island Cast is cut off in the groove in the launch of the ax - and a Brews 1st look 181 181
Monty Brinton / NBC

LETE launches the ax and strikes just outside the Bullseye. Joe calls Shallow and then launch. The first Survivor The winner explains that she will try to be safe after Castmate The Shell Wooten Having hinted that she was a potential target.

“The shell came to me and said I am the greatest threat,” said Parvati in a confessional. “It is therefore possible that people have me in their targets. And clearly, I am a threat.

Parvati launches the ax to his portrait and strikes it directly to the center. Several of his competing colleagues applaud the legend of reality for having been impressive.

DOAL OR No Deal Island CAST is cut his throat in the challenge of launching the ax - and a BREWS 1st look 180 180
Monty Brinton / NBC

“There you are easy!” Joe shouts like David Genat Gives a subtle boost to Parvati.

Then Phillip is called to play and he explains that he will aim Seychelles Corderowhich has been at the bottom of the Totem pole so far.

“I think I’m going to go for Seychelle, simply based on the test to get the two stockings instead of the first two,” he explains about his strategy.

Phllip hits Seychelle’s photo but far from the Bullseye. While Seychelle is preparing to take her turn, she tells Joe that she aims to avoid being below – which rubs Phillip in the wrong direction.

“My ax is in there. She looks at me as if I’m sorry, ”shares Philip. “And I look at her to say to herself:” Hey the quick question. What is F—? “”

Seychelle slightly launches the ax and strikes directly in the center of the target. The other players are surprised but also applaud his impressive shot. Joe looks surprised and gives him a high five. The on -board agent approaches Phillip to explain his decision.

“I had to try to be safe, and I hope you understand that,” said Seychelle in Phillip who finally hugs her before saying: “Yeah I got you.”

Deal or no island Ironi by NBC on Tuesday at 9 p.m. and is available to broadcast on Peacock the next day.

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