The real science behind the massive space station of Babylon 5

By Jonathan Klotz | Published

Babylon 5 Take place in the future full of foreigners, worm holes and ancient civilizations at war, but thanks to the meticulous work of the Creator J. Michael Straczynski, he is rooted in real physics and science. Even the space station in the center of everything uses a real physical solution to colonize space, and all thanks to its shape. Using an O’Neill cylinder, the Babylon 5 rotary space station remains one of the most precise life representations scientifically in zero gravity.

The O’Neill cylinder

The O’Neill cylinder in action in Babylon 5

The O’Neill cylinder Babylon 5 The uses were created by the physicist Gerard O’Neill in the 1970s as a means for humans to live in a deep space. By turning at a speed of 24 times per hour, the cylinder simulated gravity on earth but remained barely discernible for those of the cylinder, preventing the evil of transport. Each of the cylinders turns independently, in opposite directions, keeping the station intended for the sun (or, in the case of the show, Epsilon Eridani).

Beyond physics behind the O’Neill cylinder, Babylon 5 Used more gerard design, giving life to his vision of a company of utopian spatial origin. Gerard considered that his theoretical station would be completely self -sufficient, with, in addition to gravity, renewable energies and the ability to grow food. While the five seasons of the show of the show proved that the utopian ideal did not reach 2257, science did it, even if the final conception of the series has some differences.

Habitats for humans and everything else

The original O’Neill cylinder was designed to be considerably larger than that of that of Babylon 516 miles in length, enough to house the population of the earth. Only five miles in length and a mile in diameter, compared to the thought experience of 20 miles from Gerard, the science fiction space station is much more manageable. The environments of different sections have been personalized to support foreign species, requiring CO2 or methane respirators so that humans survive them.

J. Michael Straczynski has thought of what life would look like in an O’Neill cylinder when he conceived the interiors of Babylon 5. This is why the center of the station is filled with gardens, and the external parts are more industrial, certain sections turning alone, simulating a different level of severity of the main parts in the form of earth. This is also why there are sections still under construction, and as indicated in “Gray 13 is missing”, an entire hidden level of the space station, because Straczynski estimated that it would be in a state of repair, dismantling and constant relevance.

True science in Babylon 5

The Babylon 5 Starfury

Wearing the O’Neill cylinder to life is not the only real science found in Babylon 5As the Jumpgates operate according to the Doppler effect, which is why they become oranges when the ships move away from them and blue while they head towards them. Even stars stars use real physics when launching, taking advantage of the resort’s rotary centrifugal force to take off faster and more efficiently than most science fiction fighters. Once released in space, the stars of the stars derive, with the lack of gravity in space, which means that an object in movement remains constantly in motion unless it exerts an opposite force, the propellers in this case.

The O’Neill cylinder may not be possible today, and it only exists in science fiction, however Babylon 5 There remains the best example of one to date, but as the sphere of Dyson, it is an exciting thought experience for the future of humanity among the stars. It is one of the many ways in which the opus Magnum opus by J. Michael Straczynski remains one of the best science fiction shows today, describing a future in which greed and suffering are still present, but Below, there is hope for a better future.

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