Stégard Channing says that fat was not “taken seriously” at first “

Stégard Channing says that fat was not at all taken seriously when it came out, but it is always proud of its role 130
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Stégard Channing was an inimitable force as Betty Rizzo in 1978 FatAlthough the film has never been supposed to become a huge phenomenon.

“I gave (Fat) my everything, and I am proud of the performance and proud of the character. But at the time, he was not taken at all seriously, “said Channing, 80 years old The Times of London In a profile published on Thursday, January 23. “The money she earned was felt. I was unhappy. It’s a children’s film – it was really upset. “”

Channing, who was 33 years old at the time, represented Rizzo, the 17 -year chief of the Pink Ladies click, and interpreted the ballad “there are worse things that I could do”. (The high school film has also played John Travolta And Olivia Newton-John As a stars crossing, Danny and Sandy.)

“The depth of the impact is weird,” said Channing Fat. “I have undergone a lot of changes in this experience. I needed a lot of concert; Things did not go well after a big and big lesson in the show business. »»

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Fat is the word! When Grease hit theaters in June 1978, it was an instant success – and his actors became instant stars. Based on the 1971 musical of the same name, the film follows the students of Rydell High School after their return from the summer vacation in 1958. Also memorably recapitulated in the song (…)

Despite the popularity of musical cinema, Channing still had trouble reserving a constant flow of roles and rather focused her career on the stage.

Stégard Channing says that fat was not at all taken seriously when it came out, but it is still proud of its role 131
Dave Benett / Getty Images for @soHoplace

“But I achieved over time, how it affected generations, especially women and even some men,” she said. “I’m not going to name the actor, but we were in a film together and we were doing a press tour. We went from one press table to another, and he said, “You were my wet dream at the age of 12. Oh, thank you very much. A little too much information.

Channing also moved from the United States to England, where she moved in 2019.

“I liked to live here, the friendships I had, I kept, I spent months at a time. And then I was here during Covid, and that kind of cement everything, ”she recalls. “I realized that I was happier here. Also at my age, people fall sick and people die and people are moving away. And it started to happen. Now I live here, and I’m really grateful to have been able to remove it.

Channing also sprang that “life is very beautiful” for her, navigating that she would enter another long -term relationship in the future. (Channing, who was married four times, was the last in a relationship with Daniel Gillham Until his death in 2014.)

“No, I think it would be such pain in the ass,” joked Channing. “I consolidate myself, thank you very much. I am very happy with the friends I have. No. Life is beautiful.

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